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U8- U10 teams are limited to 12 players (play will be 7v7);
U11-U12 teams are limited to 15 players (play will be 9v9)
U13 - U19 teams are limited to 18 players (play will be 11v11).

Teams may roster three guest players. Guest players are those who normally are not on the roster, meet the
age/gender requirements, and have all appropriate playing cards, medical releases etc. The roster may NOT be
changed after team check in.

All tournament games will be played in accordance with the Laws of the Game as issued by FIFA, except
where stated otherwise in these rules.

Deliberate heading is not allowed in U8-U11 games. If a player deliberately heads the ball in a game, an indirect free kick should be awarded to the opposing team from the spot of the offense. If the deliberate header occurs within the goal area, the indirect free kick should be taken on the goal area line parallel to the goal area at the point nearest to where the infringement occurred.  If a U11 team is playing in a higher age bracket (f.ex. U12 or U11/U12), heading is allowed as the rules apply to the bracket the team is competing in.

Build Out Line U8-U10: Shall be placed equidistant from the top of the penalty area and the halfway line. When the ball goes out of play for a goal kick or when the goalkeeper has possession of the ball in his/her hands, the opposing team must retreat behind the build out line. The opposing team can advance beyond the buildout line when the ball is put “in play.” The ball is considered “in play” when the ball is released from the goalkeeper’s possession by a pass or throw. The goalkeeper can put the ball into play sooner but he or she does so accepting the positioning of the opponents and the consequences of how play resumes.

No punting for U8-U10: U8-U10 games will not allow players to punt the ball. If a player punts or dropkicks the ball, the opposing team will receive an indirect free kick from the spot of the infraction. If the infraction occurs within the goal area, the ball will move to the top of the goal area closest to where the infraction occurred.

Free Kicks/Penalty Kicks for U8-U10:  In U8-U10 games, all free kicks are indirect free kicks.  There are no penalty kicks, instead an indirect free kick will be taken at the top of the goal area closest to where the infraction occurred. 

Offside rule for U8-U10: U8-U10 games will use the build-out line instead of the midfield line as an indicator of the area where players may be in an offside position (offside offenses can only occur between the goal line and the build-out line).  There are no assistant referees for U8-U10 games and the center referee will use his or her best judgement to call offside when players are clearly in an offside position.

Substitution rules, see point 12 below.

Home Team: The team listed first on the official schedule is the home team. The home team is responsible for
using an alternate color jersey, if necessary.

At least one game ball, certified by FIFA, should be provided for the game by the Home Team.
U8-U12 Divisions: Size 4 Ball
U13-U19 Divisions: Size 5 Ball

Shin guards are required for all players.
Players may not wear any jewelry.
The referee has the final decision on the safety of all players’ equipment and clothing. A player will be allowed to wear a cast only if, in the opinion of the referee, it is well padded and will not constitute a risk of injury to the player or others.
Players must have their own numbers on jerseys with no numbers being shared by players on the same team.

All players and coaches must have current player passes or equivalent, and must present them
prior to the beginning of each game.  Approved USSF and/or FIFA affiliated player passes, signed and laminated or Canadian booklet player cards are checked at Final Team Check-in and by the officials prior to the start of each game. All players must have a current player pass; they must be presented prior to the start of each game. Players must have player passes in order to play. No pass - no play policy. 

Except in cases of inclement weather or other unforeseen scheduling problems, game lengths are as follows:

U17 - 19 two 40-minute halves
U15 & U16 two 40-minute halves
U13 & U14 two 35-minute halves
U11 & U12 two 30-minute halves
U8- U10 two 25-minute halves

In Championship games or knock-out games (f.ex. semi-finals), for U11 or up, if a game is tied after regulation, two full 5-minute overtime periods will be played.  (Sudden death or golden goal is NOT in effect.  The full 2x5 minutes will be played).

If a championship or knock-out game is still tied when overtime expires, penalty kicks, taken in accordance with
the FIFA Laws of the Game, will determine a winner.

All games will begin on time, with forfeits being declared for any team not present and ready
to play within 10 minutes of the scheduled starting time. Teams must have the appropriate number of players ready to
field: minimum of 6 for U8 - U10 teams, 8 for U11 & U12 teams, and 10 for U13 – U19 teams. If a team is delayed for
reasons beyond their control, they must call the Tournament Director. All reasonable efforts will be made to reschedule
the game providing the opposing team agrees.

There will be no protest or appeals of any kind allowed in a match. The field decision of the referee is
FINAL and will not be changed by any tournament official.

A player who receives a red card or a coach who is sent off the field during a match will be
suspended for the remainder of the game and a minimum of one game following the infraction. Violence against
another person and other serious offenses may result in a two game suspension or suspension from the tournament.
Players receiving red cards and coaches sent off must report to headquarters following the game to determine their

Substitutes must enter the field at the halfway line between the technical areas.
Unlimited substitutions with the permission of the referee are allowed:
a. prior to your throw in, or either team’s goal kick;
b. prior to either teams throw in if both teams have subs at the half-line
c. after a goal by either team;
d. at the referee’s discretion during stoppage of play for an injury;
e. a cautioned player may be substituted prior to restart of play (this is not required).

13. Weather/Other Emergencies:
Tournament officials will adhere to US Club Soccer and the Grand Forks Park District's Weather Policy to determine whether play needs to be suspended. Referees may, at their discretion, suspend a game temporarily for an emergency but only the Tournament Directors may terminate, modify, or reschedule games due to bad weather. If a game is suspended in progress (including during the pregame warmup), teams are expected to stay on site (possibly in shelter) unless dismissed by the Tournament Headquarters. If play is suspended, monitor the tournament app and GGFSC social media for further instructions. Game suspension may incur delays and/or other measures, such as shortened, postponed, or cancelled games (potentially finalized at the point of suspension), at the sole discretion of the tournament staff. 

Tournament staff will be monitoring the weather throughout the tournament. Here are some typical scenarios that require attention and actions as described:

If lightning is within 5-10 miles, the game(s) should be suspended and shelter sought. A rough guideline is to measure the time between the lightning flash and hearing the corresponding thunder (thunder is always associated with lightning and vice-versa). If it is 30 seconds or less between the flash and thunder, seek shelter. Note: it may not be possible to determine which lightning strike generated which roll of thunder. A simple rule: If you can hear it, clear it. Due to the proximity of park sites, lightning threating any site will be treated as if it is threatening all sites. 

At the field: Tournament officials will announce the suspension of games with a long blast of an air horn. Upon suspension of games for lightning, seek shelter immediately in a vehicle or sturdy building. Park shelters, tents, and awnings provide no protection against lightning. Games should not be restarted for at least 30 minutes after the last roll of thunder is heard. 

Tornado/Thunderstorm Watches and Warnings
Storm Watches indicate the conditions are possible for the type of storm indicated. These are issued by the Storm Prediction Center and usually cover a fairly large area and swath of time. Depending on the location, speed, and direction of the storms and the expected time of arrival, play may either be suspended or may continue with caution until/unless storms pose a threat (including time to evacuate the parks and seek shelter).  This call is made at the sole discretion of the tournament staff. Be prepared for this to become a warning - have a plan!

Storm Warnings indicate the the conditions are occurring or are imminent. They are smaller in area and for shorter time periods. A storm warning issued by the National Weather Service that includes the city of Grand Forks will result in immediate suspension of play. Sounding of outdoor warning sirens indicates a warning and automatic suspension of play. Shelter should be sought immediately during a storm warning.

Localized flooding may incur suspension of play and/or modification of the schedule based on field condition, park accessibility, and safety, at the discretion of the tournament staff. 

Heat Index
Tournament officials will monitor the heat index from official sources and inform field marshals, teams and game officials of the heat index status. Coaches are encouraged to also monitor the conditions. The following are the tournament guidelines when there is a possibility of a dangerously high heat index.

Heat Index Recommended Guidelines
Up to 89° Normal Play
90° – 99° Mandatory 2 minute water breaks per half with running time. Each half shortened by 5 minutes
100° – 105° Mandatory 2 minute water breaks per half with running time. Each half shortened by 10 minutes
105° Suspend play

For any water breaks and shortening of halves outside of the heat index policy, both coaches must agree and a tournament director must give approval before the game starts.

Every player, coach, manager, etc. participates at his/her own risk. There will also be a licensed athletic trainer available at Athletic Trainer Tents for minor injuries. It is each team’s responsibility to provide water, ice, and basic first aid for their players.

Return to Play
Following any suspension of play for weather - if the lightning, storm, flooding, or heat threat departs or diminishes and it is deemed safe to return to the fields, tournament staff will alert anybody that is in the area with two air horn blasts. This indicates that players may return to the fields in preparation to resume games and referees are clear to start games at their discretion. We will also post updates on the Tournament App and GGFSC Social Media as soon as possible.

During preliminary round games, points will be awarded as follows:

6 points for a win
3 points for a tie
0 points for a loss
1 point for each goal scored up to a maximum of 3 points
1 point for a clean sheet/shutout (0:0 tie = 4 points per team)
-1 point: for each red card (including coaches sent off)
*Forfeited game scores shall be recorded as 3-0
*Games canceled by the tournament director shall be recorded as 0-0 (4 points)
*The maximum number of points per game is 10.

A point modifier will be used to equalize match points for teams that play more games than others in a bracket due to
scheduling for an uneven number of teams.
A team that forfeits a game by not showing up will NOT advance to championship rounds.

Some divisions will not have championship games. In divisions where there is no championship
game scheduled, the team with the most match points will be the champion. Second place will be awarded to the team
with the next highest match points.
In divisions with championship games; advancement to championship games will be based on match points. Teams
not advancing to championship games may play consolation games to ensure the 3 game guarantee.
If teams have an equal number of match points, the following tie-breakers will be applied in order:

Winner of head to head competition if two teams are tied
Least goals allowed (average goals/game) during preliminary round matches
Average goal spread up to a maximum of 3 per match (goals scored less goals allowed)
Shoot out if two teams are tied
Coin toss or drawing if more than two teams are tied

16. Team Discipline:
Coaches are responsible for the words and actions of themselves, their players, and
spectators. Verbal abuse of the opponents or referees by players, coaches, or spectators will not be tolerated.
Violations may result in forfeiture of the game and/or expulsion from the tournament. Coaches are expected to be
models of good sportsmanship.

All harassment, verbal abuse and/or threats directed at any referees, coaches, players or spectators will not be
tolerated under any circumstances. Any violation of this policy will result in immediate removal from the playing area.
Play will not resume until violators have left the area. The tournament director reserves the right to penalize and/or
expel any spectator, player, coach or teams that do not comply with this rule. Any person who physically or verbally
assaults a referee will be subject to prosecution!
If a coach is out of control, a referee may request the coach to leave before a game continues. If a coach is asked to
leave a game, the referee will retain the member’s pass and will send it to the NDSA office along with the appropriate
game report.

Both teams will be located on the designated touchline opposite the parents, fans, and spectators. Only coaches,
team managers and players will be allowed on team touchline.
The coach may convey tactical instructions to the players during the match. The coach and other team officials must
remain within the confines of the technical area and they must behave in a responsible manner. The technical area is
defined as the area along the touchline between the half-line and the team’s respective 18-yard lines. At no time is
coaching allowed from behind the goal area.
Coaches may not enter the field without permission from the referee.

17. Referee Guidelines:
A three-person referee system will be used for U-11 and above age groups. A single
referee will be used for U-8 through U-10 age groups. All referees are USSF certified and registered. In matters
concerning conduct of games, all referee decisions are final. No protests are allowed. Please direct all player
eligibility questions to the Tournament Director prior to the completion of the match.
Referees will enforce the following:
• Shin guards to be worn by all players.
• Any player requiring glasses must have them properly secured by a strap.
• Earrings, watches, rings, bracelets, or other jewelry may not be worn. Medical Alert jewelry must be secure for all
players’ safety.
• Any player who starts to bleed while on the playing field must leave the field of play until the bleeding stops. The
player cannot re-enter the field of play with blood on any part of their uniform. If an alternate jersey is not available, a
shirt of the same color as the jersey may be used. The player may only re-enter the field with the consent of the
referee at any stoppage of play.
• Players and coaches will be on one side of the field and parents/spectators will be on the opposite.

18. Other:
The Greater Grand Forks Soccer Club, tournament officials, and US Club Soccer are not responsible for any
expenses incurred by any team if the tournament is cancelled in whole or in part for any reason.
The Tournament Committee reserves the right to decide all matters pertaining to the tournament and its decisions are
Enter and participate at your own risk: the Greater Grand Forks Soccer Club (GGFSC), US Club Soccer, and any representatives thereof, are not responsible for accidents, acts of nature, or other events beyond control.
All games will be played on fields specified by the Tournament Committee.

Please park in designated areas or on city streets only. Parking on grass is prohibited and is subject to a fine
by the local police department.

The Greater Grand Forks Soccer Cub is committed to promoting an environment that is free from drugs,
alcohol or tobacco use. These policies apply to all players, coaches, referees, and spectators. Smoking,
alcohol usage, and/or drug use is not allowed on any school property or in close vicinity of the playing fields.

Coaches or officials during games shall remove a player from active participation in the game if the player
exhibits the signs, symptoms or behaviors consistent with a concussion or is suspected of sustaining a

The player is not allowed to return to play until cleared in writing by a provider trained in evaluation and
management of concussions. The coach shall inform the parent/legal guardian about the possible concussion and the event surrounding
the possible concussion (e.g.-collision, fall, etc.).

All goals will be securely anchored. No climbing or hanging on goals is allowed.

Field Status

Open Open

UND High Performance Center (10:34 PM | 04/11/19)

Open Open

North (10:34 PM | 04/11/19)

Open Open

South (10:34 PM | 04/11/19)

Open Open

North Field (06:02 PM | 04/13/19)

Open Open

South Field (06:02 PM | 04/13/19)

Open Open

Yankton Trail Park (11:16 AM | 08/22/19)

Open Open

1A (11:20 AM | 08/22/19)

Open Open

3A (11:20 AM | 08/22/19)

Open Open

3B (11:20 AM | 08/22/19)

Open Open

8 (11:20 AM | 08/22/19)

Open Open

4 (11:20 AM | 08/22/19)

Open Open

Rustad Center (11:31 PM | 01/18/20)

Open Open

Field A (11:35 PM | 01/18/20)

Open Open

Field B (11:35 PM | 01/18/20)

Open Open

Storm Shelter (11:33 PM | 01/18/20)

Open Open

1 South (11:35 PM | 01/18/20)

Open Open

1 North (11:35 PM | 01/18/20)

Open Open

Dome (10:31 PM | 02/18/20)

Open Open

1 (10:31 PM | 02/18/20)

Open Open

2 (10:31 PM | 02/18/20)

Open Open

3 (10:31 PM | 02/18/20)

Open Open

Ed Clapp Park (04:56 PM | 07/06/20)

Open Open

East (04:56 PM | 07/06/20)

Open Open

West (11:50 AM | 07/12/20)

Open Open

test (08:14 AM | 07/16/20)

Open Open

test 1 (08:16 AM | 07/16/20)

Open Open

Williamson Park (11:34 AM | 05/28/21)

Open Open

Field 1 South (11:34 AM | 05/28/21)

Open Open

Field 1 North (04:24 PM | 05/28/22)

Open Open

Big Willow Park (Minnetonka) (12:38 AM | 06/06/21)

Open Open

Field 1 (12:38 AM | 06/06/21)

Open Open

Rendezvous Park (West Fargo) (08:26 PM | 06/14/21)

Open Open

Field 1 (08:27 PM | 06/14/21)

Open Open

Midway School (08:20 PM | 04/09/22)

Open Open

Field 1 (08:20 PM | 04/09/22)

Open Open

National Sports Center (08:26 PM | 06/06/22)

Open Open

Field 1 (08:26 PM | 06/06/22)

Open Open

1 (08:30 PM | 06/06/22)

Open Open

2 (08:30 PM | 06/06/22)

Open Open

4 (08:30 PM | 06/06/22)

Open Open

13 (08:30 PM | 06/06/22)

Open Open

15 (08:30 PM | 06/06/22)

Open Open

21 (08:30 PM | 06/06/22)

Open Open

23 (08:30 PM | 06/06/22)

Open Open

26 (08:30 PM | 06/06/22)

Open Open

27 (08:30 PM | 06/06/22)

Open Open

28 (08:30 PM | 06/06/22)

Open Open

30 (08:30 PM | 06/06/22)

Open Open

31 (08:30 PM | 06/06/22)

Open Open

48 (08:30 PM | 06/06/22)

Open Open

49 (08:30 PM | 06/06/22)

Open Open

53 (08:30 PM | 06/06/22)

Open Open

54 (08:30 PM | 06/06/22)

Open Open

18N (08:30 PM | 06/06/22)

Open Open

18S (08:30 PM | 06/06/22)

Open Open

20N (08:30 PM | 06/06/22)

Open Open

20S (08:30 PM | 06/06/22)

Open Open

57N (08:30 PM | 06/06/22)

Open Open

57S (08:30 PM | 06/06/22)

Open Open

5S (08:30 PM | 06/06/22)

Open Open

62 Stadium Field South (08:30 PM | 06/06/22)

Open Open

65N (08:30 PM | 06/06/22)

Open Open

65S (08:30 PM | 06/06/22)

Open Open

66N (08:30 PM | 06/06/22)

Open Open

66S (08:30 PM | 06/06/22)

Open Open

6S (08:30 PM | 06/06/22)

Open Open

7N (08:30 PM | 06/06/22)

Open Open

UND Memorial Stadium (08:51 PM | 04/23/23)

Open Open

Field 1 (08:51 PM | 04/23/23)

Open Open

Manvel School (11:49 PM | 04/27/23)

Open Open

Field 1 (11:49 PM | 04/27/23)

Open Open

Any Field (12:01 AM | 04/28/23)

Open Open

Indoor Gym (06:02 PM | 04/13/19)

Open Open

Hyslop Gym (06:09 PM | 04/13/19)

Open Open

Field E (06:52 PM | 08/22/19)

Open Open

Field B (06:52 PM | 08/22/19)

Open Open

Field F (06:52 PM | 08/22/19)

Open Open

Field C (06:52 PM | 08/22/19)

Open Open

Field D (06:52 PM | 08/22/19)

Open Open

Field G (06:52 PM | 08/22/19)

Open Open

Field K (06:52 PM | 08/22/19)

Open Open

Field M (06:52 PM | 08/22/19)

Open Open

Field L (06:52 PM | 08/22/19)

Open Open

Field N (06:52 PM | 08/22/19)

Open Open

Field P (06:52 PM | 08/22/19)

Open Open

Field O (06:52 PM | 08/22/19)

Open Open

Field 8 (EFGH) (06:52 PM | 08/22/19)

Open Open

Field 9 (IJKL) (06:52 PM | 08/22/19)

Open Open

Field 10 (06:52 PM | 08/22/19)

Open Open

Field 11 (06:52 PM | 08/22/19)

Open Open

Field 12 (06:52 PM | 08/22/19)

Open Open

Field 8 South (practice) (06:52 PM | 08/22/19)

Open Open

Field 8 North (practice) (06:52 PM | 08/22/19)

Open Open

Field 9 South (practice) (06:52 PM | 08/22/19)

Open Open

Field 9 North (practice) (06:52 PM | 08/22/19)

Open Open

Field 11 West (Practice) (06:52 PM | 08/22/19)

Open Open

Field 11 East (Practice) (06:52 PM | 08/22/19)

Open Open

Field 12 West (Practice) (06:52 PM | 08/22/19)

Open Open

Field 12 East (Practice) (06:52 PM | 08/22/19)

Open Open

Field 13 West (Practice) (06:52 PM | 08/22/19)

Open Open

Field 13 East (Practice) (06:52 PM | 08/22/19)

Open Open

Field H (12:23 AM | 06/15/20)

Open Open

Field I (12:23 AM | 06/15/20)

Open Open

Field J (12:23 AM | 06/15/20)

Open Open

Field A (01:14 PM | 08/30/20)

Open Open

Field 13 (06:47 PM | 08/30/20)

Open Open

Field 4 Northeast (08:04 PM | 04/09/22)

Open Open

Field 4 Northwest (08:04 PM | 04/09/22)

Open Open

Field 4 Southeast (08:04 PM | 04/09/22)

Open Open

Field 4 Southwest (08:04 PM | 04/09/22)

Open Open

Field 6 Northeast (08:04 PM | 04/09/22)

Open Open

Field 6 Northwest (08:04 PM | 04/09/22)

Open Open

Field 6 Southeast (08:04 PM | 04/09/22)

Open Open

Field 6 Southwest (08:04 PM | 04/09/22)

Open Open

Field 10 East (Practice) (05:12 PM | 05/28/22)

Open Open

Field 10 West (Practice) (05:12 PM | 05/28/22)

Open Open

Field 2 SE (Practice) (06:34 PM | 08/19/22)

Open Open

Field 2 SW (Practice) (06:34 PM | 08/19/22)

Open Open

Field 2 NW (Practice) (06:34 PM | 08/19/22)

Open Open

Field 2 NE (Practice) (06:34 PM | 08/19/22)

Open Open

Field 4 SE (Practice) (06:34 PM | 08/19/22)

Open Open

Field 4 SW (Practice) (06:34 PM | 08/19/22)

Open Open

Field 4 NW (Practice) (06:34 PM | 08/19/22)

Open Open

Field 4 NE (Practice) (06:34 PM | 08/19/22)

Open Open

Field 6 SE (Practice) (06:34 PM | 08/19/22)

Open Open

Field 6 SW (Practice) (06:34 PM | 08/19/22)

Open Open

Field 6 NW (Practice) (06:34 PM | 08/19/22)

Open Open

Field 6 NE (Practice) (06:34 PM | 08/19/22)

Open Open

Any Field 2 (05:33 PM | 08/30/20)

Open Open

Any Field 3 (01:41 AM | 04/08/21)

Open Open

Any Field 2 (05:33 PM | 08/30/20)

Open Open

Any Field 2 (05:33 PM | 08/30/20)

Open Open

Any Field 3 (01:41 AM | 04/08/21)

Open Open

Field 31 East (practice) (10:33 PM | 05/01/19)

Open Open

Field 32 East (practice) (10:33 PM | 05/01/19)

Open Open

Field 32 West (practice) (10:33 PM | 05/01/19)

Open Open

Field 33 East (practice) (10:33 PM | 05/01/19)

Open Open

Field 33 West (practice) (10:33 PM | 05/01/19)

Open Open

Field 31 West (practice) (10:56 PM | 05/01/19)

Open Open

Field 34 (06:58 PM | 08/22/19)

Open Open

Field 34 North (practice) (11:53 PM | 09/03/19)

Open Open

Field 34 South (practice) (11:53 PM | 09/03/19)

Open Open

Field 41 (11:50 PM | 07/13/20)

Open Open

Field 42 (11:50 PM | 07/13/20)

Open Open

Field 41 West (Practice) (05:38 PM | 07/15/20)

Open Open

Any Field 2 (05:33 PM | 08/30/20)

Open Open

Any Field 3 (01:41 AM | 04/08/21)

Open Open

Field 5S (11:13 PM | 07/15/20)

Open Open

Field 5N (11:13 PM | 07/15/20)

Open Open

Field 8N (11:42 PM | 05/24/21)

Open Open

Field 8S (12:12 AM | 06/16/21)

Open Open

Unknown (08:46 PM | 06/19/21)

Open Open

Hillcrest 11v11 (10:57 AM | 07/12/20)

Open Open

Field 7N (05:42 PM | 06/10/19)

Open Open

Field 7S (05:42 PM | 06/10/19)

Open Open

Field 9 (05:42 PM | 06/10/19)

Open Open

Any Field 2 (05:33 PM | 08/30/20)

Open Open

Field 10 (04:54 PM | 07/06/20)

Open Open

Field 9 (04:54 PM | 07/06/20)

Open Open

Field 2 (11:36 PM | 05/24/21)

Open Open

Field 1 (10:53 PM | 07/07/20)

Open Open

Field 2 (10:53 PM | 07/07/20)

Open Open

Field 3 (10:53 PM | 07/07/20)

Open Open

Field 4 (10:53 PM | 07/07/20)

Open Open

Hillcrest (10:53 PM | 07/07/20)

Open Open

UJ Turf (10:53 PM | 07/07/20)

Open Open

Field 2 (12:37 AM | 06/06/21)

Open Open

Field 9 (Upper Turf) (12:40 AM | 06/06/21)

Open Open

Field A (12:03 AM | 06/06/21)

Open Open

Field B (12:03 AM | 06/06/21)

Open Open

Field 21 (12:03 AM | 06/06/21)

Open Open

Field 22 (12:03 AM | 06/06/21)

Open Open

Field 23 (12:03 AM | 06/06/21)

Open Open

Field 10A (02:56 PM | 07/17/19)

Open Open

Field 10B (02:56 PM | 07/17/19)

Open Open

Field 9A (03:51 PM | 07/17/19)

Open Open

Field 9B (03:51 PM | 07/17/19)

Open Open

Field 8 (03:51 PM | 07/17/19)

Open Open

Field 2A (03:51 PM | 07/17/19)

Open Open

Field 2B (03:51 PM | 07/17/19)

Open Open

Field 3A (03:51 PM | 07/17/19)

Open Open

Field 3B (03:51 PM | 07/17/19)

Open Open

Field 8A (10:03 PM | 07/13/21)

Open Open

Field 1A (10:03 PM | 07/13/21)

Open Open

Field 1B (10:03 PM | 07/13/21)

Open Open

Field 8B (10:03 PM | 07/13/21)

Open Open

Field 3 (10:03 PM | 07/13/21)

Open Open

Field 9 (10:03 PM | 07/13/21)

Partially Open Partially Open

Hyslop Sports Complex (10:44 AM | 01/11/19)

Closed Closed

Bringewatt Park (10:45 AM | 01/11/19)

Closed Closed

South Middle School (10:45 AM | 01/11/19)

Closed Closed

Optimist Park (10:45 AM | 01/11/19)

Closed Closed

Kelly School (10:45 AM | 01/11/19)

Closed Closed

Ben Franklin School (10:45 AM | 01/11/19)

Closed Closed

Lions Park/Century School (10:45 AM | 01/11/19)

Closed Closed

Scheels Sports Complex (10:45 AM | 01/11/19)

Closed Closed

University Park/Valley Middle School (10:45 AM | 01/11/19)

Closed Closed

Lake Agassiz School (10:45 AM | 01/11/19)

Closed Closed

Elks Park/Lewis and Clark School (10:45 AM | 01/11/19)

Closed Closed

North Kiwanis Park (10:45 AM | 01/11/19)

Closed Closed

Schroeder Middle School (10:45 AM | 01/11/19)

Closed Closed

South Kiwanis Park/Discovery School (10:45 AM | 01/11/19)

Closed Closed

Jaycees Park (10:45 AM | 01/11/19)